Friday, January 16, 2015

Tiny Steps

I haven't forgotten about this blog. I just don't have a lot to report. We're making tiny steps of progress, but it's the dead of winter here in Minnesota so there aren't a lot of big monumental things happening.

We had another meeting with our architect, John, last night. He drew up plans about where he thought we should put the original design on our new lot. I'm really excited about what he came up with. He moved the windows around too, as a result of the placement, to maximize views of downtown and the big trees that exist in the yard and minimize views of the neighboring houses.

The lot is also in the process of getting surveyed by Mr. Kelly Ness, also of Dunwoody College. Hopefully that'll be done in the next week or so, then we can get the site plan finished. We'll have another meeting with John and the general contractor, Andrew, to discuss budget/costs, and then hopefully we'll have everything ready to get the construction loan in place.

From there we can do some soil testing to make sure the ground is stable enough to support the house. There was previously a house and garage on the property, so we have to see if they went through the process of repacking the soil. Or at least the area that we plan to build on.

We can also begin the process of applying for the building permits so that everything is ready to rock and roll once the snow melts and the ground thaws.

Tiny, but exciting, steps!

1 comment:

  1. Exciting!! So happy for the two of you!! Spring is almost here & the fun can truly begin!!


Thanks for checking in on our tiny house journey. We'd love to hear your thoughts, comments or excitement!